100% Raw Bilberry Body Butter
Bilberries are little berries that are native to Northern Europe and they look similar to Blueberries. It is considered a 'Super Natural' ingredient in the natural skincare world and one of the best sources of antioxidant compounds to date. It strengthens your skin against signs of redness(i.e. from inflammation, Rosacea, etc), likely due to its calming properties, boosts skin's environmental defences in the prescence of UVA light, and also has astringent properties which cleanses, tightens, and nourishes. As a bonus, Bilberries may help facilitate healthy blood pass through skin's capillaries; blood carries water which is very helpful in keeping your skin hydrated and supple. The infamous Calendula Butter has been added to this formula to help improve the overall appearance of your skin and add extra natural SPF properties which allows the transition from Winter skin to Spring/Summer skin much smoother.
The original formula has Sweet Almond Carrier Oil but it can be replaced with either Roseship, Jojoba, or Grape Seed Oil.
**If there a scent you would like that is not in the options, please view the scents in other products and attach a request to your order.**
100% Raw Canadian Bilberry Butter(Soy Butter is infused into the Bilberry), 100 % Raw Canadian Calendula Butter, 100% Pure Carrier Oil(based on selection given), 100% Organic Arrowroot Starch, 100% Natural, Organic Essential Oil(Red Current & Cream if scented)